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Family Bank: Cordlife Hong Kong


Cordlife Group Limited (“Cordlife”, together with its subsidiaries, the “Group”), founded in 2001, is a leading company dedicated to safeguarding the well-being of mother and child. Listed on the Mainboard of the Singapore Exchange since 2012, the Group is a pioneer in private cord blood banking in Asia.

Cordlife operates Asia's largest network of cord blood banks. With full stem cell banking laboratories in six key markets, Cordlife Group is an industry leader in Singapore, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and the Philippines, and one of the top three market leaders in India and Malaysia. Through its majority-owned subsidiary in Malaysia, StemLife Berhad, Cordlife holds an indirect stake in Thailand’s largest private cord blood bank, THAI StemLife. 

Cordlife Hong Kong is one of the Group's fastest growing entities. In celebration with its 5th anniversary in Hong Kong, the automated facility was expanded into a new flagship facility at the Hong Kong Science Park in 2010. The AABB accredited facility, with a storage capacity for 50,000 cord blood and umbilical cord units, is an international recognized stem cell facility. In 2011, Cordlife Hong Kong introduced its patented technology to extract Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (MSCs) and Epithelial Stem Cells (EpSCs) from the umbilical cord lining for future potential cellular therapies.

In addition to cord blood, cord lining, and cord tissue banking, Cordlife offers families a comprehensive suite of diagnostic services, including non-invasive prenatal testing, paediatric vision screening and newborn metabolic screening.

Labs and Locations

  • Cordlife (Hong Kong) Limited has a laboratory in Hong Kong located in Biotech Centres, the only cluster of buildings specially designed for laboratory setting within Hong Kong Science Park. 
  • Cordlife (Hong Long) Main office and Laboratory: Unit G15, G/F, Biotech Centre 2, No.11 Science Park West Avenue, Hong Kong Science Park, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong
  • Cordlife’s Macau Office: Block 21-F, No.43-53A, Avenida do Infante D. Henrique, Macau

Business Experience

In 2005, Cordlife established its first overseas cord blood processing and storage facility in Hong Kong. The ISO certified facility, with a storage capacity for 50,000 cord blood and umbilical cord units, is Hong Kong’s largest and most advanced stem cell facility. In 2011, Cordlife introduced the patented technology, CellOptima™, which is exclusively available at Cordlife in Hong Kong, to isolate two types of stem cells from umbilical cord – Epithelial stem cells (EpSCs) and Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs).

Inhabiting a distinctive niche in the healthcare industry, the Group is one of the foremost private cord blood banks to have gained a solid foothold in Asia. In the last 20 years, Cordlife has dedicated its undertakings to achieve market leadership in the industry. Having built a distinguished brand name, the Group continues to strive for excellence by means of support from its experienced management team, dynamic key executives along with its quality product and service offerings. Cordlife believes the Group has in place a strong foundation for future expansion.

The Cordlife Group is composed of:

  • ​Cordlife Group Limited – Singapore
  • Cordlife (Hong Kong) Limited - Hong Kong & Macau
  • Cordlife Sciences India Pvt Limited - India & Bangladesh
  • PT Cordlife Persada - Indonesia
  • Cordlife Medical Philippines, Inc. – the Philippines
  • StemLife Berhad – Malaysia & Brunei
  • THAI StemLife - Thailand, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia
  • CL Biotech Company Limited - Vietnam

Quality and customer focus are amongst some of the cornerstones of Cordlife. All of the Group’s facilities are accredited by AABB, the world’s gold standard for cord blood banking. 

Collection Kit

Cordlife provides personalized collection kits for clients upon enrolment. The main components of the kit are: Sterile, single use cord blood collection bag (JMS Cord Blood Bag with anticoagulant CPDA-1), providone Iodine swabsticks for antiseptic preparation of the umbilical cord's surface prior to collecting the cord blood, to reduce chance of contamination.

Transportation container

Cordlife's container is specially designed to provide thermal insulation and validated to maintain optimal temperature for cord blood during transportation from hospital to Cordlife HK processing laboratory. 

Shipping Info

Cordlife provides dedicated staff to pick up the cord blood or cord tissue samples from Hong Kong / Macau hospitals upon notification.

Processing Method

Stem cells are separated from the cord blood using the semi-automated and closed AXP II system. The final component is the buffy coat layer of the blood, which holds both white cells and stem cells.

Components Stored

The final product stored is the nucleated cells in “buffy coat” fraction (mainly white blood cells and stem cells). 

Storage Method

Cordlife uses FDA-approved dual-compartment cryobags (80% and 20% sections) with two integrally attached segments used for future unit testing. In addition, each cryobag is sealed inside an overwrap layer as an extra protection against possible cross contamination. The cord blood units are stored in an MVE vapor phase storage system i.e. units are suspended above a pool of liquid nitrogen that creates a vapor-phase environment, with temperature as cold as the cryogenic liquid.

Licensing & Accreditation

Cordlife Hong Kong's in-depth knowledge of cord blood banking practices and standards has attained accreditation under the international quality standards of AABB.

Clinical Experience

To date, the Group has successfully released 77 cord blood units and 21 cord lining units to support stem cell transplantation and infusions.

In January 2011, Cordlife became the only private cord blood bank in Hong Kong to have released a cord blood unit for autologous therapy (where the baby receives its own stem cells) to treat neuroblastoma. That cord blood transplant took place in Queen Mary Hospital, and was performed using a cord blood unit that had been cryopreserved in the Cordlife Hong Kong facility for 29 months.

In 2022, when a recipient was suffering from Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy, she used her own cord blood for transplantation in Hong Kong Children's Hospital. The cord blood unit had been cryopreserved with us for 8.4 months.


Cordlife Quality Guarantee – if the cord blood unit has no viability at the point of transplantation, Cordlife will compensate the client with a matching sample or US$25,000 at maximum. Cordlife takes care of your medical needs. If your baby needs to have cord blood transplant, our group will provide SG$50,000 cash protection which can help the medical expenses, providing extra support. This is a unique promise by Cordlife.


Please visit the Cordlife Hong Kong Price & Enrolment page for the latest prices and discounts. Selected credit cards are eligible for 12-month interest-free instalment payments.

Hong Kong: +852 3980 2888
Macau: +853 6881 0781
WhatsApp Hong Kong: +852 96601317 
WhatsApp / WeChat Macau: +853 6881 0781

Additional Services

Beyond cord blood banking, Cordlife Hong Kong offers:

  1. Umbilical cord lining (UCL) banking – Cordlife is the only stem cell bank in Hong Kong that can isolate two types of stem cells from the baby’s umbilical cord: Cord Lining Epithelial stem cells (EpSCs) and Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs). Read more at
  2. Metascreen – the most comprehensive non-invasive newborn metabolic screening that can detect more than 100+ congenital metabolic disorders (also known as inborn errors of metabolism) from the urine specimens of newborns. For more information, please visit
  3. Non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) –  A maternal blood test that screens for the most common chromosomal abnormalities such as Down syndrome as early as 10 weeks of pregnancy. For more information, please visit
  4. Baby genetic screening – A portion of a baby’s umbilical cord blood will be screened for 117 chromosomal abnormalities and up to six disease-causing variants such as atopic dermatitis, autism, asthma, allergic rhinitis, Wilson disease, and hearing loss. For more information, please visit
  5. Ige allergy testing -The IgE blood test measures the presence of immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies against up to 104 allergens. Various panels are available covering common and specific environmental and food allergens to suit the needs of parents and children. For more information, please visit
Address: Unit G15, G/F, Biotech Centre 2, 11 Science Park W Ave, Shatin, N.T. Hong Kong