Jste zde

Torino Cord Blood Bank

Public: Public


Banca del Sangue Placentare (Torino Cord Blood Bank) is located in Ospedale Regina Margherita in Torino, Italy.

The registry of cord blood donations in Italy is maintained by GRACE: Gruppo Italiano Amplificazione Cellule Emopoietiche. The GRACE network started in 1995 and pioneered the model of a national network of cord blood banks linked to a hub registry, the model that is used today by large networks like DKMS (Germany) and NMDP (United States).

Contact info

Banca: +39 011.313.5568 –5053–1811
Adresa: Piazza Polonia 94 - 10126 Torino, Italy
E-mail: tcbb@oirmsantanna.piemonte.it
URL: https://www.cittadellasalute.to.it/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=…
