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Family Bank: IVIDA Famicordon



IVIDA Famicordon has control over the whole cord blood banking process, from collection through processing and final storage. IVIDA has 2 laboratories for Spanish clients, one at the company headquarters in Madrid, and the other in Lisbon, Portugal.

Labs and Locations

Madrid Laboratory:
Santiago de Compostela, 88 - 28035-Madrid

Lisbon Laboratory:
IVI Lisboa
Av. Infante D. Henrique, nº333 H, Esc. 1-9 1800-282 Lisboa

Business Experience

IVIDA was originally named IVIDA El Banco de cordón de IVI, belonging to the IVI Group, the largest private European infertility group. Since early 2019, IVIDA belongs to the FamiCord Group of cord blood banks. IVIDA Famcordon S.A.  is also part of the Asociación Española de Bancos de Células Madre (ABACELL).

IVIDA Famicordon is primarily a family bank but also provides "cross-over" public banking for families who store their baby's cord blood within Spain. If the cord blood matches a patient seeking a donor, it will be released for transplant and the family will be reimbursed. Cord blood storage in Spain is never fully private: Under the national regulations of Spain, any cord blood unit banked within the country must submit to compulsory declaration of the HLA (human leukocyte antibody) type on an international registry. Hence, every cord blood unit stored within Spain is listed on the international registry as a potential public unit in case it matches a patient in need.


Precios actuales

Office: 900 847 500
Address: Calle de Santiago de Compostela 88, Madrid 28035, España